Consiliul Județean a eliberat certificatul de urbanism pentru studiul de fezabilitate al Autostrăzii A13 Bacău – Brașov
Consiliul Județean a eliberat astăzi certificatul de urbanism pentru executarea lucrărilor „Elaborare Studiu de Fezabilitate și Proiect Tehnic de Execuție pentru Autostrada Brașov- Bacău ”, inclusiv rețele de utilități, din culoarul pe care îl va traversa această investiție- A13."Aparatul de specialitate din cadrul Consiliului Județean dovedește, încă o dată, că este o echipă care știe să lucreze aplicat și...
Moinesti, the City that promotes events tourism
On entering the Moinesti municipality, coming from Bacau, the traveller is welcomed by an...
Choral music, a century-long tradition in Bacau and Oituz
Choral music, the master key to human sensibility and a source of comfort in...
The Loner on Magura Casinului, the hunting records and Ochiul Huitoarei
A human face carved by nature in the rock looks down, no one knows...
Bacau-based culture centers, advocate of wishes of George Enescu, George Apostu
In a perfect symbiosis with the nature, on top of a hill, guarded by...
Bacau: Romanian identity was carved out in villages – testimonies from rural museums
Travelers wanting to know the authentic values of Romanian popular culture should, if we are to paraphrase historian Nicolae Iorga, "visit the countryside, village by village, crossing the thresholds of the old churches", and if time is short they should visit "village museums, temples of the nation".Bacau's such cultural...
Borzesti (Bacau) – church of slain friendship
The 'Virgin Mary's Assumption' Church in Borzesti was erected by the order of Stephen the Great, the Ruler of Moldavia, between 1493 and 1494, 'in remembrance of the holy ancestors and their parents.'The dedication in the inscription reveals that this place of worship, unlike the other 47 ones founded...
Bacau-based palaces – Romantic ages’ stone and burnt bricks testimonials
Testimonials in stone and burnt bricks of some romantic ages, placed in a particular charm of nature's areas, the Bacau County palaces over which unfortunately the mist of oblivion has settled for a long time and hence the ignorance, bring the traveler thirsty of beauty or novelty a lot...
Slanic Moldova (Bacau) from mineral waters to futurist ecological projects
Slanic Moldova, the spa town dubbed 'the jewel in the tourist crown of Moldavia' lies in a valley surrounded by beech and fir trees, at 530 meters height, at the foot of the Nemira Mountains, on the Slanic river, a Trotus tributary; the resort combines the scenic views with...
Targu Ocna, Bacau county – faith, nature, health, culture
The oldest documentary mention of the city of Targu Ocna dates from 1306 in a charter issued by Prince Alexandru cel Bun who granted the privilege of exploiting salt to two brother of Transylvanian origins. The city-resort of national interest Targu Ocna holds several records nationwide, which highlight the...
Municipality of Moinesti
The Municipality of Moinesti is located in the north-west side of Bacau County, in the middle of the Trotus-Tazlau Rivers basin system, at the northern foot of Culmea Berzunti Mountains, at 480 meters altitude, 45 kilometres from the Municipality of Bacau (County residence), in an area with rich natural...
Bacau county: Facts and figures
Total surface area: 6,621 sq kmTowns and cities: 8, three of which are cities: Bacau, Onesti and MoinestiRural towns: 85Villages: 491Bacau county is located in eastern Romania, in the historical province of Moldavia. It is bounded by the counties of Neamt to the North, Vaslui to the East, Vrancea...
City of Bacau
The city of Bacau is situated in the northeastern part of Bacau County (of which it is the county seat), in the area where the rivers of Bistrita and Siret meet, at an altitude of 170 meters.European roads 85 and 57 pass through the city, connecting it to Bucharest,...
Bacau County: short history
On the County of Bacau territory archaeological evidence of habitation ever since the Upper Paleolithic - at Buda (Blagesti) and Lespezi-Garleni were discovered.The Neolithic is represented by the Starcevo-Cris, Precucuteni and Cucuteni cultures. The archaeological researches from Podei-Targu Ocna, Tiganesti, Gura Vaii, Margineni-Cetatuie a.s.o. have unveiled a rich inventory,...