20 decembrie 2024

1951: Muncitori arestati de Securitatea bacauana si trimisi la Canal

muncitoriUn raport realizat la 19 iunie 1951 de corespondentii Radio Europa Libera preciza ca un mare numar de muncitori din Bacau fusesera arestati in timpul festivitatilor prilejuite de ziua de 1 Mai, fiind acuzati de „acte de sabotaj”.

Ei ar fi fost adusi in timpul noptii in cladirea Securitatii, unde ar fi fost torturati dupa care au fost trimisi in taberele de munca fortata de la Canalul Dunare – Marea Neagra.

Fisa raportului

Romanian Secret Police Arresting Workers in Bacau
Description: Item based on interviews conducted with defectors and immigrants in Western refugee camps and immigration offices, or Western travelers returning from stays in East European communist countries, supplemented with information collected through Radio Free Europe (RFE) correspondence with anonymous sources from behind the Iron Curtain.; This field report was assigned the following topical and geographical subject headings by the RFE/RL: Romania; Labor – Arrest of Workers
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute (RFE/RL Research Institute)
Geographic coverage: Romania
Date of creation: 1951-06-19T00:00:00Z-1951-06-19T23:59:59Z
Type: item; Field Reports
Format: 1 document (1 Page)
Subject: Radio Free Europe. News and Information Service; Radio Free Europe
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10891/osa:ddfb04d4-9f33-49ef-a7ae-e8d7154a0320
Relation: http://www.peoplesheritage.eu
Language: eng
Provenance: Open Society Archives at Central European University
Data provider: Open Society Archives at Central European University
Provider: HOPE – Heritage of the People’s Europe
Providing country: Hungary

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